Where is AECOM’s corporate headquarters?
AECOM’s headquarters are located in Dallas, Texas.
When was AECOM incorporated and in which state?
AECOM was incorporated in 1990 in Delaware.
On which exchange does AECOM trade and under what stock symbol?
AECOM trades on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the symbol “ACM.”
When does AECOM’s fiscal year end?
AECOM’s fiscal year end is September 30.
How can I purchase AECOM stock?
AECOM stock can be bought or sold through a stockbroker, bank or financial institution that provides brokerage services.
Does AECOM pay dividends?
AECOM announced on December 13, 2021 the initiation of a recurring quarterly cash dividend program. The Company intends to increase its dividend per share by a double-digit percentage annually, as part of its capital policy that includes an expectation for ongoing share repurchases. Additional details can be found here.
Does AECOM offer a direct stock purchase program?
At this time stock cannot be purchased directly from the Company.
What is AECOM’s SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) code and CUSIP (Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures) number?
The SIC Code is: 8711 - Services-Engineering Services
The CUSIP number is: 00766T100
The CUSIP number is: 00766T100
How do I contact AECOM’s Transfer Agent?
Computershare Investor Services
+1-800-662-7232 (toll-free within the United States)
+1-781-575-4238 (outside of the United States)
By Mail:
P.O. Box 505000
Louisville KY 40233-5000
United States of America
By Overnight Delivery:
462 South 4th Street
Suite 1600
Louisville KY 40202
United States of America
+1-800-662-7232 (toll-free within the United States)
+1-781-575-4238 (outside of the United States)
By Mail:
P.O. Box 505000
Louisville KY 40233-5000
United States of America
By Overnight Delivery:
462 South 4th Street
Suite 1600
Louisville KY 40202
United States of America
Who are AECOM’s Independent Auditors?
Ernst & Young LLP
Who do I contact about stock certificate matters?
Computershare Investor Services
+1-800-662-7232 (toll-free within the United States)
+1-781-575-4238 (outside of the United States)
By Mail:
P.O. Box 43078
Providence, RI 02940-3078
United States of America
By Overnight Delivery:
Computershare Investor Services
250 Royall Street
Canton, MA 02021
United States of America
+1-800-662-7232 (toll-free within the United States)
+1-781-575-4238 (outside of the United States)
By Mail:
P.O. Box 43078
Providence, RI 02940-3078
United States of America
By Overnight Delivery:
Computershare Investor Services
250 Royall Street
Canton, MA 02021
United States of America
How can I be added to AECOM’s e-mail alerts list to receive press releases and/or SEC filings?
Please select the following link and fill out the requested information: https://aecom.gcs-web.com/shareholder-services/email-alerts
How do I contact AECOM’s investor relations or request additional information about AECOM?
Please contact:
Will Gabrielski
Senior Vice President
Finance & Investor Relations
Phone: 213-593-8208
E-mail: William.Gabrielski@aecom.com
Brendan Ranson-Walsh
Vice President
Global External Communications
Phone: 213-996-2367
E-mail: Brendan.Ranson-Walsh@aecom.com
How can I obtain a hard copy of AECOM’s annual report?
Copies of AECOM’s Annual Report on Form 10-K may be obtained free of charge by contacting Will Gabrielski in our Investor Relations department via email at AECOMInvestorRelations@aecom.com.